Luna Shadows – Jesus Christ ~~ 好听磁性鼓点女声-极品下载论坛 - Down512.COM


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[至爱单曲] Luna Shadows – Jesus Christ ~~ 好听磁性鼓点女声









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发表于 2018-4-14 12:26:58 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Luna Shadows – Jesus Christ ~~ 舒缓钢琴前奏秒 好听磁性鼓点女声

  1. Jesus Christ, that's a pretty face
  2. 上帝,那是一张漂亮的脸蛋
  3. The kind you'd find on someone that could save
  4. 你在我可以拯救的人身上找到这种类型
  5. If they don't put me away
  6. 如果他们不让我离开
  7. Well, it'll be a miracle
  8. 嗯,这就会是一个奇迹
  9. Do you believe you're missing out?
  10. 你相信吗你正在错过吗?
  11. That everything good is happening somewhere else
  12. 错过发生在别处的每一件好事
  13. With nobody in your bed
  14. 你自己独自躺在床上
  15. The night is hard to get through
  16. 长夜难熬
  17. And I will die all alone
  18. 我将孤独地死去
  19. And when I arrive I won't know anyone
  20. 当我到那儿时 我不认识任何人
  21. Jesus Christ, I'm alone again
  22. 上帝啊,我又是孤身一人了
  23. So what did you do those three days you were dead?
  24. 那么在你死去的这三天你都做了些什么呢
  25. Because this problem is gonna last
  26. 因为这个问题要持续很久
  27. More than the weekend
  28. 持续到周末结束之后
  29. Jesus Christ, I'm not scared to die
  30. 上帝啊,我不害怕死亡
  31. But I'm a little bit scared of what comes after
  32. 我只是有些畏惧死之后发生的事情
  33. Do I get the gold chariot?
  34. 我得到金马车了吗?
  35. Do I float through the ceiling?
  36. 我漂浮在天花板上了吗
  37. Or do I divide and fall apart
  38. 还是我被分成两半了吗?
  39. Cause my bright is too slight to hold back all my dark
  40. 我的光明太微弱而无法抵挡所有的黑暗
  41. This ship went down in sight of land
  42. 船离开我的视野
  43. And at the gates does Thomas ask to see my hands?
  44. 在门口托马思要求看我的手
  45. I know you're coming in the night like a thief
  46. 我知道你在夜里像小偷一样悄悄到来
  47. But I've had some time, O Lord, to hone my lying technique
  48. 噢 主!我也曾很孤独,但我只要磨练我的撒谎技巧
  49. I know you think that I'm someone you can trust
  50. 我知道你觉得可以信任我
  51. But I'm scared I'll get scared and I swear I'll try to nail you back up
  52. 但我害怕我感到畏惧 我发誓我会试着把你钉回来
  53. So do you think that we could work out a sign
  54. 所以你觉得我们会留下印迹吗?
  55. So I'll know it's you and that it's over so I won't even try
  56. 所以我会明白那是你 知道一切该结束了 于是我甚至不会再尝试了
  57. I know you're coming for the people like me
  58. 我知道你是为了像我这样的人而来的
  59. But we all got wood and nails
  60. 但我们都被抓住了
  61. And we turn out hate in factories
  62. 可我们不会在工厂里制造仇恨
  63. We all got wood and nails
  64. 但我们都被抓住了
  65. And we turn out hate in factories
  66. 可我们不会在工厂里制造仇恨
  67. We all got wood and nails
  68. 我们都被抓住了
  69. And we sleep inside of this machine
  70. 然后我们就沉睡在机器中




ღ谢谢ღ 祝您开心快乐、事业有成发大财!



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